We all have those moments when we are having a free weekend, and think we could do make it more exciting with a road trip, spend the day away, and return after a day filled with fun in the outdoor. Mutorashanga Green Poolsis one of the places we suggest as a day trip which can give you a perfect experience, we consider it one of the finest day trip destinations. In this feature, we share with you activities you can do at Mutorashanga Green Pools so that you can enjoy your outing.
Mutorashanga Green Pools is located about 100 kilometers away from Harare, in the mining town of Mutorashanga. The Green Pools are a remnant of Ethel mine, an asbestos mine which was closed. The water in the pool is a wonder to watch, it has an Emerald blueish – greenish color due to its mineral contents. It is probably because of its color that people have come up with myths and tales about the existence of mermaids in it, which has hardly ever been proven even by the locals who live nearby.

Activities You Can Do At Mutorashanga Green Pools.
If you love swimming, and can swim, the green pools are suitable for swimming. So you can carry some swimwear, drying towels and lotions for use after swimming. The water is quit cold and chilling, so the best time to have a swim is on a warm summer day. If you can can’t swim, you can sit by the edges of the pools, dip your feet into the water and playfully kick it. There are deep pools and shallow pools, so make sure you get to the one which is most suitable for you.

Mutorashanga Green Pools is an incredible diving spot. You have two sites to dive from, one which is a an elevated position made of steel, something you can use a diving platform, and the cliffs. Mutorashanga Green Pools have high cliffs, so you can also dive from the cliffs. On a busy day, you’ll have people cheering you as you take a dive.

Experiencing Caves
There are caves which were created through mining activity. They caves are accessible, and will take you to various viewpoints of the pools. It’s very important to have a guide take you around the caves.

Picnic and Braai
There are no restaurants at the Green Pools, this makes it a place for picnics and Braai. Carry your picnic basket, and picnic cloth for a picnic experience overlooking the pools. You can also do braai here, but you must carry a braai stand as there are no fixed braai stands, you also need to carry your own charcoal.

Sunset View and Sundowners
The sunsets at Mutorashanga Green Pools are charming to watch as the water reflects the rays of the sun, and the cliffs create a shade which give the water a different color. The transition is just magical. We’ve seen proposals happen during these sunsets, it’s probably that magical effect they have.

Interacting With Locals
There are people living in the town and village nearby the pools, they possess a great deal of knowledge about the pools and the stories of Mutorashanga. It’s always a great time interacting with them and hearing their stories. This is an experience which will always remind you of the warm hospitality of Zimbabwean people.
Outdoor Games
With some good company, you can also make your day out interesting by having some games. Carry a board game, some balls, playing cards, dice, play a challenge and and have some fun outdoor. You can unleash the smiles, laughter and the playful soul that is within you and your mates.

Travel Tips
In Mutorashanga, the vibe is what you make of it. The Green Pools are not developed resort. You won’t find taps for washing hands, braai stands, litter bins, ablution facilities, changing rooms and gazebos. When you go the Mutorashanga, do not expect to see a place with infrastructural investment, it’s just a raw place, and for some that’s what is attractive about it.

Carry your supplies as there are not so many shops to fill up your desired whisky or wine when it runs out.
Also note that there is no public transport that takes you directly to the green pools. An attempt to use public transport to go there could turn out to be devastating.
If you want us to organize a group trip for you to Mutorashanga, don’t hesitate to get in touch, we will help you curate a perfect travel experience.
I would want to come on my birthday
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And how can visitors enjoy a day out without ablution facilities. Surely its something the responsible authorities should look into.