Lockdown measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have seen restaurants lose lots of business as sit ins have been restricted. Patrons have also been missing their favorite eating places, as they can no longer sit there, chat, and enjoy their meals. Yanaya, a fast growing local brand in the restaurants sector has introduced something exciting to make you enjoy their meals and beautiful environment, Drive In And Eat In Your Car! This is something that has never been seen before in Zimbabwe, and we hope you will enjoy it!
Here is how the service works; you identify a branch of your choice, drive there, order your favorite meal from your car, wait as it gets prepared, the order will be delivered to you with a returnable plank which you can use as a table, and you can eat from your car! Simple and clever isn’t it? You can take your partner along with you, it seems to also be an interesting date idea! You could also do it with your friends, just don’t pack the car!

Yanaya has a wide selection of meals which come at very decent prices, their branches are conveniently located. So no more SBWLing the bunless burger and a smoothie, because you can now visit any branch and enjoy it. Just make sure you put on a face mask every time you visit. Also, don’t forget to share with us your experience on social media!

Whilst COVID-19 has affected the restaurant business, creativity and innovation is what will keep brands alive, and so far Yanaya is taking a lead. We hope to see more restaurants coming up with exciting ideas which will keep patrons interested in getting the new experiences.
Yanaya serves fresh and delightful organic meals, is a young and vibrant brand in the restaurant space, and has been serving something that the Zimbabwean market has been missing; organic meals. You can follow them on their Twitter, Facebook and Instagram handles for exciting content, updates and giveaways. #ItWillEndInHealth