


One day, we will share on the advantages of group travels, but one of those things that easily come to mind is meeting new people, and each one of them brings something new into your life.

We will share a bit on some of the people you’ll meet on a group travel experience, and hope that this brings memories of some of those people you’ve met before!

The Happy Goer

It doesn’t matter where you are going, the Happy Goer always has fun all the way. They play music, sings along, have their drinks,  chats happily and will be laughing out loud. They will stop you a lot of times for recess and pictures by the roadside. On most occasions, by the time you arrive, they will be exhausted, sleeping. They will wake up to start another day full of happiness. These are the people who bring brightness to any dull mood.

The Picture Perfect

As the name suggests, they are usually fixated onto their smartphone, dressed up and experimenting with different angles to take the fine pictures. They capture almost everything, the cooler box loaded with drinks, the road, the car, the trees, everything! They are behind their phone’s screen, sharing stories, updating statuses and keeping their social media busy with posts. Their captions will make people left behind want to get up and travel and experience the same stuff the Picture Perfects experience. Whilst they are quite for much of the time, they will open their mouths to talk to you when they need you to help them take a pic, or when they need you to share pictures you would have taken with your phone.

The Tour Guide

They know every place, even places they have never been to, they seem to have an idea of what it has. They will be telling you details about almost everything on the journey, they are observant and will point you to cool things you never would have seen on your own. They do lie sometimes to keep the image that they are knowledgeable, so be careful always, they could lead you on the wrong path at times.

The Particular

They are very choosy about stuff, they want everything to be on point and will cause a scene if they see the slightest view of disorder. They don’t want their meals to come late, 5 minutes is too late for them. They want to find the room always clean and neatly prepared with everything in its position. They have ‘standards’ and want everyone to comply with them.

The Adventurer

This is the hyper energetic personality. You may all be new to a place, but before you even settle, they would have scanned around the environment and would have discovered where stuff is found. They will tell you where the pool is, where the horse stables are found, where you can go for an adventure walk and would have made friends with the locals who can show you around. They are always ahead of the pack.

The Solo

They find so much please in their own company, they can even bring books just to keep themselves shut behind their pages, away from everyone else. They don’t want to be disturbed, and could be difficult to start a conversation with, luck is when you find something in common with them, which gets you talking. Throughout the group travel experience, the Solo will always be by themselves and will be very much comfortable with it, no matter how odd you find it to be.

The Gamer

They know so many games, and are always coming up with something new to play. ‘Guys! Let’s play this game..’ is always part of their vocabulary. By the time you finish traveling with them, they would have taught you so many new games and tricks. They usually travel with a dice, board games and cards, they have a way to bring fun. When everyone is bored and exhausted, you’ll find them coming up with a game which lightens up the mood.

The Disaster

They mess up everything. They are clumsy and are always making mistakes. They could sit on eggs people want to eat, spill beer in the car, break a glass, fall and stuff like that. One thing, they  always spoil things. Disaster is always following them. They are so unlucky. In the end everyone accommodates them and knows that’s what they are, but that’s after laughing at them for a while. Keep your relationship away from the disaster, they could spoil it just as they spoil everything else.

The Naturalist

They love nature, and inspires everyone else to do so, even when others don’t find amusement in certain things. They wake up early to catch the sunrise, spend the day marveling at nature— butterflies, birds, trees, rocks, water and other natural things. They wait for the sunset, take pictures of it and show everyone, which may leave others feeling left out. At night they sit out to watch stars, whilst playing soft music.

The Lovebirds

These ones travel as a couple, are all lovey dovey, always together, holding hands, cuddling and look cute together. The girl is usually whipped and wants everyone to see it that she’s in love. ‘My bae this..’ ‘My bae that..’ you will have enough of it as they tell you about their love life. They can’t do much without each other, whether it’s bathing, eating, or other activities.

The Charmer

This guy knows all the good words to say to a woman, and is always after every beautiful girl on the trip. By the time it comes to an end, he would

Have approached every girl, and people would be confused about who he is with. He’s the guy who is usually behind the nasty scene after two ladies clash.

The Beauty

She’s beautiful, everyone notices it, it’s impossible to ignore her. Everyone wants her approval, and keeps referring to her. She sits there smiling, and watches as people bump into each other for her attention, which she doesn’t care about. She just wants to enjoy the trip! Usually she would have left her man behind, probably because he is at work and can’t travel with her, and frequently is on a call with him to keep him posted about her experiences.

The Mature

They want deep conversations, they don’t want to be involved in stuff everyone is having.

It’s not always that they are mature though, sometimes it’s because they are uptight or don’t know how to have fun with everyone else around. They want to teach everyone things which makes people end up finding them annoying.

The Politician And Pastor

The politician is always talking about politics, wants everyone to see how deeply convincing their affiliation is. The pastor is always preaching, asking people to stop playing music loudly, and find gospel tracks to accommodate them. These two are seen as boring. If you don’t take caution, they could be the party pooper as they try so hard to sell their beliefs at the expense of fun.

The Storyteller

They are always making everyone laugh, so hilarious, they have jokes and are very easy going. They always have a story to tell. They have the funny videos, memes and jokes on their phone. Their happiness is in making sure everyone else is happy, sadly no one checks on them because they seem fine. They are usually difficult to forget after meeting them because people hardly forget those who make them feel happy.

The Absent

They are on top of telling people plans for the tour, they even want to be the trip planning WhatsApp group admin. But on the day, you’ll never see them. Truth is they had no money to travel. They exit the group on the travel day and everyone wonders. Life goes on without them anyway.

The Planner

Hardly gets credit for their work, but are the brains and engine behind the success of the trip. They are the ones who mobilize people to come for the trip, always making sure everyone is fine and all, they hardly see how fast time flies because they are busy with chores. They rarely have time to be part of the fun, they are busy making sure everything is in place. We need to have a trip for planners only and see how it would turn out!


You never know who you will meet, until you travel. You never know how amazing they are, until you travel with them. You never know how great it was to meet them until you find yourself smiling and laughing at the memory of them.

Share with us memories from your group trip.


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